
1. t_Machine_Host 테이블 - Machine Type 컬럼 정리 

1 'VM Host (ESXi Server)'
2 'Unified CCE Data Server'
3 'Unified CCE Call Server'
4 'Unified CVP'
5 'Unified CM (unknown type)'
6 'Unified CM Publisher'
7 'Unified CM Subscriber'
8 'Unified CVP Reporting Server'
9 'Cores. CUIC, LD, and IdS Publisher'
10 'Cores. CUIC, LD, and IdS Subscriber'
11 'Unified CVP Operations Console Server'
12 'Finesse'
13 'Gateway'
14 'External Social Miner'
15 'External Unified CM Publisher'
16 'External Unified CM Subscriber'
17 'External CVP Reporting Server'
18 'External CCE HDS'
19 'External Media Sense'
20 'External Enterprise Chat and Email'
21 'External Third Party Multichannel'
22 'Unified CCE Router'
23 'Unified CCE Peripheral Gateway'
24 'Unified CCE LiveData Server'
25 'Unified CCE Primary AW'
26 'Unified CCE Secondary AW'
27 'Unified CCE Progger'
28 'Unified CCE AW'
29 'Unified CCE Rogger'
30 'Enterprise Chat and Email'
31 'Identity Server Publisher'
32 'Identity Server Subscriber'
33 'Finesse Primary'
34 'Finesse Secondary'
35 'Standalone Unified IC Publisher'
36 'Standalone Unified IC Subscriber'
37 'Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser'



2. t_Machine_Service 테이블 - ServiceType 컬럼 정리 

1 'Peripheral Gateway TIP'
2 'Router TIP'
3 'LiveData Active MQ'
4 'Peripheral Gateway TIP TOS'
5 'Router TIP TOS'
6 'LiveData Storm DRPC'
7 'LiveData Socket.IO'
8 'LiveData Web Service Rest API'
9 'LiveData Cassandra'
10 'Administration & Data Server (AW) Rest API'
11 'Media Routing Peripheral Gateway Connection'
1000  'ESXi'
1002  'AXL'
1003  'Diagnostic Portal'
1004  'ISE Authentication'
1005  'Gateway'
1006  'Management Link'
1007  'Administration'
1008  'SocialMiner REST API'
1009  'Media Routing Peripheral Gateway A'
1010  'Media Routing Peripheral Gateway B'
1011  'Principal AW'
1012  'Context Service'
1013  'Identity Server'
1014  'Publisher/Primary Machine IP Address'
1015  'Identity Server Primary Machine IP Address'
1016  'Identity Server Secondary Machine IP'
eslse 'Unknown'

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