Termination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields
The Termination Call Detail Table (see Termination_Call_Detail) has two fields that provide details on why the call was considered handled, abandoned, and so forth.
The Call Disposition field gives the final disposition of call (or how the call terminated).
- 1 = Abandoned in Network In Unified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned, or dropped, before being terminated at a target device (for instance, an ACD, IVR, Desklink, etc.). In Unified CCE, indicates that the call was routed to an agent but it never arrived or arrived after the PIM reservation timed-out. (The default timeout is 7 seconds.) An agent will be set to Not Ready if it misses two consecutive routed calls, Peripheral Call Type will normally be two, and the Call Type ID and Network Target ID will be filled in. In Outbound Option, this result code indicates customer phone not in service.
- 2 = Abandoned in Local Queue In Unified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned in the ACD queue while queued to an ACD answering resources (for instance, a skill group, voice port, trunk, etc.) Does not apply to Unified CCE. In Outbound Option, this result code indicates an outbound call was abandoned either by the customer or dialer.
- 3 = Abandoned Ring In Unified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned while ringing at a device. For example, the caller did not wait for the call to be answered but hung up while the call was ringing. In Unified CCE, indicates that the caller hung up while phone was ringing at the agent desktop.
- 4 = Abandoned Delay In Unified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned without having been answered but not while ringing or in a queue. Typically, a call marked Abandoned Delay was delayed due to switch processing. Because of the delay, the caller ended up dropping the call before it could be answered. In Unified CCE, indicates that the destination was not connected when the call terminated. This might mean that:
- The agent logged out
- The agent picked up the phone and then hung up without dialing digits.
- Route requests were logged on the Cisco Communication Manager PG that were not immediately redirected to an agent.
- 5 = Abandoned Interflow In Unified ICM, indicates an interflow call that dropped before the call could be handled by an answering resource. Interflow calls are calls between ACDs. Abandoned Interflow is supported only by PIMs that track interflow calls. Currently, this includes only the Aspect CallCenter PIM. Does not apply to Unified CCE.
- 6 = Abandoned Agent Terminal In Unified ICM, indicates the call was dropped while being held at an agent device. For example, the caller is connected to an agent; the agent puts the caller on hold; the caller gets tired of waiting and hangs up. In Unified CCE, indicates that the caller hung up while on hold on the Unified CM PG, which generally indicates a training issue for the agent. On the VRU PG with Service Control Queue reporting checked, this normally indicates caller abandoned..
- 7 = Short In Unified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned before reaching the abandoned call wait time. Short calls are technically abandoned calls, but they are not counted in the Unified ICM CallsAbandoned counts for the associated service/route. Short calls are, however, counted as offered calls in the CallsOffered and ShortCall counts.
Note When the short call abandon timer is configured, single step transfers (local transfers), being blind transfers by definition, have a Call Disposition of 7 (short call abandon) and a Peripheral Call Type of 4 (transfer) - 8 = Busy Not used in Unified ICM. Does not apply to Unified CCE. In Outbound Option, this result code indicates an outbound call resulted in a busy signal.
- 9 = Forced Busy The call was made busy by the ACD because there were no answering resources available to handle the call. Currently, only the Avaya Aura PIM supports Forced Busy. Does not apply to Unified CCE.
- 10 = Disconnect/drop no answer Only the Meridian PIMs support the disconnect/drop no answer call disposition. For the Meridian ACD, disconnect/drop no answer indicates that the ACD performed a "forced disconnect" .Disconnect/drop no answer calls are counted as either abandoned or short calls in the system software's service and route tables. In Unified CCE, indicates that an agent-initiated call was not answered. (If agent picked up the phone but did not dial any digits, the CallDisposition would be 4, Abandoned Delay.)
- 11 = Disconnect/drop busy Does not apply to Unified CCE.
- 12 = Disconnect/drop reorder Does not apply to Unified CCE.
- 13 = Disconnect/drop handled primary route In Unified ICM, indicates the call was handled by an agent and was neither conferenced nor transferred. These calls are counted as handled calls in Unified ICM Schema's service, route, and skill group tables. In Unified CCE, indicates that a call was routed to an agent on the Cisco Communication Manager PG and handled without a transfer or conference. This call disposition is also used for non-routed calls handled by the agent if wrap up is used. On the VRU PG, this indicates that the call was handled by the VRU. However, it does not indicate if the caller abandoned or disconnected the call after the call was handled by the VRU. Just in case the script ends without routing the call, the RouterErrorCode field in the Route Call Detail records will indicate the cause. Additionally, you can verify if the ServiceLevelAband and ServiceLevelCallsOffered database fields in the CTHH report are incremented. The incremented fields indicate that the caller abandoned the call when the call was at the VRU.
- 14 = Disconnect/drop handled other In Unified ICM and Unified CCE, indicates the call was handled by a non-agent or unmonitored device (for example, a voice mail system). These calls are counted as handled calls in Unified ICM schema's service, route, and skill group tables.
- 15 = Redirected / Rejected In Unified ICM, this indicates the call was redirected such that the PIM no longer can receive events for the call. In other words, the PIM no longer has a way of referencing or tracking the call. For example, the call might have been redirected to a non-Unified ICM monitored device and then returned to the switch with a different call ID. The Unified ICM generates the Termination Call Detail record with only the data originally tracked for the call. Calls marked as Redirected are counted as Overflow Out calls in the Unified ICM service and route tables. In Unified CCE, to more accurately reflect call status, CallDisposition is set to 15 (Redirected) instead of 4 (Abandon Delay) when:
- A call leaves a CTI route point to be sent to an IVR.
- An agent transfers the call to another skillgroup and no agent is available, so the call is sent to an IVR.
- 16 = Cut Through Not currently used.
- 17 = Intraflow Not currently used.
- 18 = Interflow Not currently used.
- 19 = Ring No Answer Not currently used in Unified ICM. In Unified CCE, this indicates the call wasn't answered by the agent within the Ring No Answer Time (set in the agent desktop setting in Unified ICM Configuration). In Outbound Option, this result code indicates an outbound call was not answered in the alloted time.
- 20 = Intercept reorder Does not apply to Unified CCE. In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the Dialer did not receive a ring back from the ACD on the network.
- 21 = Intercept denial Does not apply to Unified CCE. In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the customer call was intercepted by the operator.
- 22 = Time Out Supported only by the Avaya ACD Manager PIM. Time out indicates that for an unknown reason the PIM is no longer receiving events for the call. The Time Out call disposition provides a way to "clean up" the call since events for the call can no longer be monitored. Time out calls are counted as TerminatedOther in the Unified ICM service and route tables. Does not apply to Unified CCE. In Outbound Option,this result code indicates the Dialer is unable to detect a dial tone.
- 23 = Voice Energy Not currently used in Unified ICM. In Unified CCE, this indicates the outbound call was picked up by a person or an answering machine. In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the outbound call was picked up by a person.
- 24 = Non-classified Energy Detected Not currently used in Unified ICM. In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the outbound call reached a FAX machine.
- 25 = No Cut Through Not currently used.
- 26 = U-Abort In the Unified ICM, this indicates the call ended abnormally. In Unified CCE, the Unified CM indicated the call ended due to one of the following reasons: network congestion, network not obtainable, or resource not available. Such reasons may be due to errors in media set up. In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the outbound call was stopped before the customer picked up.
- 27 = Failed Software In Unified ICM, either the PIM detected an error condition or an event did not occur for a call for an extended period of time. For example, an inbound call with Call ID 1 and associated with Trunk 1 might be marked failed if the PIM received a different call ID associated with Trunk 1. This would indicate a missing Disconnect event for Call ID 1. If no events are being tracked for the call, the call is eventually timed out. The failed call is marked as a Forced Closed call in the Unified ICM Service and Route tables. In Unified CCE, generally indicates that Unified CM PG terminated the call because it had exceeded the time allowed for this state. (The default is 1 hour in the NULL state when agent has been removed, and 8 hours in the connected state. The value is configurable.)
- 28 = Blind Transfer In the Unified ICM, a transfer scenario involves a primary call and a secondary call. If the secondary call is transferred to a queue or another non-connected device, then the primary call (the one being transferred) is set to Blind Transfer. In Unified CCE (Unified CM PG), this indicates that the call was transferred before the destination answered. For Unified ICM (VRU PG), this indicates that the IVR indicated the call was successfully redirected.
- 29 = Announced Transfer In Unified ICM andUnified CCE, a transfer scenario involves a primary call and a secondary call. If the secondary call is connected to another answering device, or is put on hold at the device, then the primary call (the call being transferred) is marked as Announced Transfer.
- 30 = Conferenced In Unified ICM and Unified CCE, the call was terminated (dropped out of the conference). Conference time is tracked in the system software's Skill Group tables for the skill group that initiated the conference.
- 31 = Duplicate Transfer Supported only on the Siemens HICOM 300E PIM. The call was diverted or transferred off-switch or to an unmonitored device. Does not apply to Unified CCE.
- 32 = Unmonitored Device Not currently used.
- 33 = Answering Machine In Unified ICM, this indicates the call was answered by an answering machine. Does not apply to Unified CCE. InOutbound Option, indicates the call was picked up by an answering machine.
- 34 = Network Blind Transfer In Unified ICM, indicates the call was transferred by the network to a different peripheral. Does not apply toUnified CCE unless there is an ISN installation.
- 35 = Task Abandoned in Router The NewTask dialogue associated with the task was terminated before the Router could send a DoThisWithTask message to the application instance that issued the NewTask.
- 36 = Task Abandoned Before Offered A task is abandoned before offered if the Start Task Timeout period for the task's "pre-call" message expired before the Agent PG received a Start or Offer Task message for the task.
- 37 = Task Abandoned While Offered This disposition is only defined for multi-session chat tasks. A task is given this disposition if an agent who is working on one chat session is assigned another chat session, and the customer involved in the new chat session hangs up before the agent begins chatting with him.
- 38 = Normal End Task The task was handled by an agent. Only applies to non-voice tasks.
- 39 = Can't Obtain Task ID When an application sends the system software an Offer Application Task or Start Application Task request, it waits for the Unified ICM to send a response containing that Task ID that Unified ICM has assigned to the task. If OPC is unable to obtain a task ID from the Router (because the Router is down, or the network connection between OPC and the Router is down), OPC will terminate the task with disposition 39 "Can't Obtain Task ID".
- 40 = Agent Logged Out During Task The agent logged out of an MRD without terminating the task. Not currently used.
- 41 = Maximum Task Lifetime Exceeded The system software did not receive an End Task message for this task within the maximum task lifetime of the MRD with which the task is associated.
- 42 = Application Path Went Down The Task Life timed out while the system software was attempting to communicate with the application instance associated with the task. (This might have occurred either because the application instance was down, or the network connection between Unified ICM and the application instance was down.)
- 43 = Unified ICM Routing Complete Not currently used.
- 44 = Unified ICM Routing Disabled Not currently used.
- 45 = Application Invalid MRD ID Not currently used.
- 46 = Application Invalid Dialog ID Not currently used.
- 47 = Application Duplicate Dialogue ID Not currently used.
- 48 = Application Invalid Invoke ID Not currently used.
- 49 = Application Invalid Script Selector Not currently used.
- 50 = Application Terminate Dialogue Not currently used.
- 51 = Task Ended During Application Init The application instance notified the system software that a task that existed prior to the loss of connection was not initialized by the application once connection was restored.
- 52 = Called Party Disconnected. CD 52 expected when called party disconnects, with CVP being the routing client.
- 53 = Partial call This code simplifies the process of distinguishing interim from final TCD records at reporting or extract time. Records that contain this CallDisposition code are considered interim records. OPC will be changed to set a new "PartialCall" EventCause when it receives a GEO_NewTransaction_Ind message from any PIM, and OPC's EventCauseToDisposition() needs to translate that EventCause to the new "PartialCall" CallDisposition.
- 54 = Drop Network Consult A Network Consult was established, and the agent then reconnected.
Note The consult leg would have this disposition for a successful single step transfer. - 55 = Network Consult Transfer The Network Consult was established, and then the transfer was completed.
- 57 = Abandon Network Consult The Network Consult was never established (ringing, but not answered), and the agent gives up and reconnects.
Note This disposition will also be reported on a consult leg for a successful network consult transfer. - 58 = Router Requery Before Answer Router Received a Requery Event from CVP before the Agent PG indicated the call was answered by an agent.
- 59 = Router Requery After Answer Router Received a Requery Event from CVP after the Agent PG indicated the call was answered by an agent.
- 60 = Network Error Router received a Network Error for a call targeting an agent before the call arrived to the agent.
- 61 = Network Error Before Answer Router Received a Network Error Event from CVP before the Agent PG indicated the call was answered by an agent.
- 62 = Network Error After Answer Router Received a Network Error Event from CVP after the Agent PG indicated the call was answered by an agent.
- 63 = Task Transfer The task was transferred. The initiating application sent a new task request to CCE for routing that includes the task id of the first task.
- 64 = Application Disconnected Used for single ApplicationPath failures, for ApplicationInstances supporting multiple Client Connections using the same ApplicationPath (UQ.Path). In this case the Application Path is not considered down, because the other client instance of the Application is still connected. This occurs when a TaskLive timeout occurs or and agent logs in again to the ApplicationPath.
- 65 = Task Transferred on Agent Logout The agent logged out of the MRD with an active task, and the task was transferred. The CallDispositionFlag field provides detail on the call disposition.
Flags are:
The CallDispositionFlag field provides detail on the call disposition.
Flags are:
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